4th of July, 2020

It’s peculiar, yet it’s a sign of the times
No fireworks fly
Can’t celebrate the false independence
When black men are being killed without recompense
Slavery still exists though not in clear sight
People like Epstein with their filthy deeds under cover of night
Or is it a cover of money and wealth…
That keeps this obscene practice so stealth
Women being pulled in every day
Lured in by the predators as though they were prey
Inequality still present though largely denied
Failing to see for the sake of “American Pride”
A president who stokes the flames of hatred
Many fail to remember that all lives are sacred
That girl is your daughter, that man, your brother
That woman, your mother… How can you just let them suffer?
You may be safe now, but tables they turn
Unless we all take responsibility and learn
No one is truly independent, we’re all deeply connected
Until this can be honored, love remains neglected

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