When Life Hands You Lemons

In Luke 2:49, Jesus responds to his parents who have finally found him after frantically searching for him in the crowds of people at the temple by stating, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” As I sit here today reading “The Wind and the Rudder” by Dan Smith, it strikes me that this project is my way of being about my Father’s business. This work is my outreach and the extension of my own soul to grab hold of others with love and serve as a lifeboat urging people to climb in and soak in the messages in hopes that they may learn to live higher, wiser, stronger, and with more love for themselves and others.

I had a revelation last night in conversation with my fiancé that the problem with the world is that we often don’t have enough belief that we can help ourselves, let alone the belief that we can actually help others. Therefore, each person stays in their silo, silently struggling, hoping to save themselves before they feel whole enough to reach out and “save” someone else. Everyone feels blind and does not want to fall prey to the old quote, “It’s the blind leading the blind.” Little do people know how powerful they are and how much change every word, every action, and every thought can effect.

Movies like “The Butterfly Effect” have tried to drive this point home, yet we still see people behaving in ways that negate this truth that every moment of choice holds great power in the scheme of eternity. We see people denying their power and it’s truly sad. We see individuals failing to use their power in positive ways. We see a destruction of the world through simple ignorance or maligned abuses of power and wealth.

“With great power comes great responsibility” yet often we see people in authority fail to realize the responsibility for the greater good and instead seek the interest of people’s pocketbooks, whether investors or their own. Last night, we watched the documentary on “Fyre Festival” and I realized that Billy was so caught up in his own delusion and was either ignorant or malicious with regard to how his actions would impact the lives of those that worked for him, those he was supposed to be serving, and himself. He had the power available through his investors and those who believed in his vision to make good on what he had promised but did not take the responsibility seriously and allowed the whole event to crash and burn failing to honor the belief and trust that others had placed in him. Whether this was evil intention or misguided ignorance is up for debate, but the point is, this is a classic example of a person who did not realize that they are powerful beyond measure.

When you begin to own the power that has been bestowed upon you as part of your birthright, the possibility of big change begins to become apparent to you and you begin to see that big change comes through each little moment you choose to direct your power toward your vision. In the case of my work, I’m seeing the vision more and more clearly of healing the world by reaching one person at a time with the belief that one restored life can then touch another life… the pay it forward mentality. One happy person, smiles at another and transfers a glimmer of hope, love, and light. Then, that person nurtures that light, grows it, and gives it to another. I’m beginning to have quite the utopic view of the change that I hope to be a part of in this world.

I am not naive to realize that the transfer energy is a rule regardless of the quality of the energy. So, just as the positive energies of hope, love, faith, belief, patience, forgiveness, and joy transfer from person to person… so too do the energies of hatred, division, jealousy, anger, stress, impatience, judgment, etc. My vision is to help people learn to deal more effectively with the darker energies, transmuting them into positive energies for release back into the world. It is my belief that we all have the responsibility to filter what we take in and what we release into the world. We may take in some of the darker energies, but we have the choice concerning what we release. I’ve learned that the rule of what goes in, must come out is a lie. Just as a sperm goes in and marinates into a miracle… the output nothing like what went in, we too can take in the energies of others and birth beauty into the world in the form of love.

Another example of this phenomenon is how we take the power available in nature and transmute it into electric power to light and power the homes of many. There was an example of this in Dan Smith’s book concerning the fact that it is necessary to have the structures and generators in place in order for Niagra Falls to serve in this way. We, too, need to have the structure and the knowledge concerning how to channel our own raw power into positive and productive ways that can serve many. Otherwise, it is just dormant or misguided power being thrown around throughout the universe without any impactful results. Jesus is the example I look to for understanding how to channel power and energy because no matter what was given to him in terms of outside energy, he always emitted what he chose… love, belief in progress, and miracles.

My goal is to teach what I’ve learned concerning this superpower that we all possess. We have immense power to change not only our own lives for the better, but to change the lives of many using the raw power we have available within us. The challenge is to develop the structures and mechanisms that help us to channel that power in its highest capacity. We don’t have to be victims to what we’ve been given in life. It is all energy. It may seem that what you’ve been given is negative, but it doesn’t have to be used in that way. You have the power. You have the choice. You can learn and practice the tools. As the cliché’ saying goes, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.”

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