Show Me Your Money, I’ll Show You Who You Are

I’ve been reflecting on this idea for awhile now, but haven’t taken the time to get it down on paper. As it often happens, the Universe randomly prompts me to remember things when I am driving… or at other inopportune times when I am not readily able to put pen to paper or fingers to keys. Today, I was reminded while driving and jotted it down in Evernote so I’d remember to be a good receiver and write when I’d arrived home. So, what is this idea? Is the suspense killing you yet? The idea is that money is not the root of all evil, but a part of you. If your money is “evil” then you are too.

Money is simply a resource that allows you to send your energy where you cannot be. It allows you to vote every time you open your wallet for what you care about. Suppose every dollar counts as 1 vote toward the things you want to see more of in this world. We can send our money to dive bars, supporting the destruction of our health as well as that of others. We can send our money to childcare establishments that support and nurture our children. We can send our money to fast food establishments supporting obesity and health issues or we can send our money to the local farmers market to help them continue to cultivate the Earth and provide nourishing foods to our community. There are a multitude of options and while I’ve given a hint of what I might believe in the above examples there are numerous votes you make with your wallet every day. We can use our money (as well as our word) to destroy or to build.

It’s just as, if not more, important to vote with your money as it is to vote at the ballot box on election days. We fuel the system with our energy, the system does not fuel us. So many have it so backwards. If we are not happy with the oil spills or other heinous crimes against the environment occurring around the world, then consciously work to ensure that you aren’t sending much of your “vote” that way. If you see yourself complaining that athletes, actresses, and others in the “entertainment” and “sporting” industries make so much money, then stop buying tickets, merchandise, and watching all of their work (Note: your attention is another valuable form of energy). They make what we give them. They have status because we assign it to them. Of course, our level of capital reflects the amount of energy/power we have in this world in many ways. If we hope to see any change, it’s not only about using our financial capital wisely, but encouraging others to do the same, which is what I hope this article helps to accomplish.

Your expenditures should reflect who you are as a person. By looking at your itemized receipts, I should have a clear and accurate picture of what you’re about. I challenge you to keep your itemized receipts for 2 weeks from every expenditure you make, then ask yourself, “Does this align with who I want to be? Does this align with what I value? Is my money transforming the world that I live in for the better?” There are so many people out there working toward bringing about some amazing effects in this world. If we can’t do the work directly, how about supporting the people who can?

Scrolling down any social media feed, you’ll see certain periods where people seem to go on a tangent as a collective about a certain injustice out in the world, yet I can’t help but wonder how many of them have actually looked up an organization that is really dedicating their lives and their time toward making real change in that area and made a donation or volunteered their time to support their efforts. We worship every day, whether we are Atheist, Catholic, Jewish, Agnostic, Muslim, etc. What are you choosing to worship? Excessive clothing, home décor, sneakers, makeup, hair products, coffee shops, restaurants, gyms, bigger homes, etc?  Every time you send your money somewhere, you are, in essence stating, “I believe in what you are doing in the world and I want more.”

Is your money trail showing that you care about more than just yourself or are all of your expenditures going toward supporting, sustaining, and spoiling you alone? Are you actively working toward progress for more than just yourself? Are you helping others around you to rise to the next level? Are you supporting others in their worthy endeavors? Are you sending your finances toward the worthy causes that pain you in this world? There are almost too many to name… hunger, trafficking, addiction, disease, animal cruelty… to name a few. If you aren’t, are you spending your money to finance your future so that you become a person who can tackle the issues you desire to eradicate, to bring more purpose and meaning to your life?

Likewise, when you receive your pay from your clients or your employer, this is what they are saying of you. This whole world operates on belief. It is only when we can recognize this and alter our beliefs for the good of all that this world will change for the better. Or maybe it isn’t altering our beliefs, but choosing to back our beliefs with our funds that will make the difference. The saying, “put your money where your mouth is,” speaks to this principle, but more often this language is used in the gambling world. I don’t gamble, but I stand here and implore you to do just that. Decide what it is you believe in, review your expenditures, make new choices with your funds that align more closely to your beliefs, and put your money toward what you “say” you believe in.

If you believe in the work that I am doing, I’d love for you to support the effort to bring progress to others’ lives, whether that be by liking each post on Facebook or Instagram, commenting, spreading the word and sharing with anyone you know who may benefit from the work, or engaging me for one of the services provided. Currently, I offer personal coaching, personal yoga, writing and web design services.

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