We’re amazingly intelligent beings. We can envision, design and build sky scrapers. We’ve created mechanisms to transport us from one location to another anywhere in the world. We can take people apart and put them back together so that they function once again. We can launch humans into space or deep under the sea. However, with all of our collective intelligence, a lot of us still have not figured out how to function well within our own being or as a society.

So many people are still searching in the wrong places for their missing piece. So many people are still starving literally and figuratively. So many are battling depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, mental health issues, obesity, hunger etc. We’d think that with all of the amazing things that have been created, collectively we would have found the secret to world peace by now. With all of our brilliance and all of our ability, I sit here asking myself why are many people in the world still lacking in the fundamentals?

Fundamentals like love, joy, peace, truth, clean water, healthy food, clothing, and shelter for all seem to be amiss in many parts of the world. How is it that with 7.3 billion people in the world, our collective minds haven’t devised solutions to many of our largest problems? Why is it that we still are unable to see outside of the world we create for ourselves? Why is it that we often get so boxed in by our own thoughts that we can’t seem to escape the mental prisons we’ve built? We get caught up in ourselves. We get caught up in society’s structure. We settle for the way the world “is” instead of seeing the world as it “ought to be.” We accept ourselves for who we think we are instead of digging deep within and doing the work to discover who we really are.

If everyone truly realized who they really were and brought what they were carrying into the world, the world would not look as it does now. It would not be possible. If everyone realized that they are worthy, loved, creative, strong, and perfectly made with a spirit of love and sound mind. If everyone understood that they were unique, carrying their own sacred “seed” and had a sense of the deep responsibility they have to nurture and grow it so that it blossomed into this world giving the world more flavor and color… If people realized that none of the material possessions, we see truly belong to anyone and that it’s all for a “limited time only…” If people realized the power in their words to bring beauty or destruction into the world… If people chose compassion over revenge… If people chose rehabilitation, love, and forgiveness over prison… If people chose to relate and understand rather than judge… If people chose to see the power, they have to effect change in their own lives and the lives of others within their society. If people realized that they were truly unstoppable, so long as they took time to discover what they were carrying and used it wisely with love and good intentions… what would this world look like?

I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that we would not be experiencing the world as it is now. Positive, happy people bring positive change. It isn’t rocket science. We feel good, we emit positive energy. We’re more likely to be kind to individuals we cross paths with. We’re more likely to desire happiness for others when we feel good. Joy and positivity are empowering and energy is contagious. Regardless of what type of energy you are emitting, you have to admit that you impact others with your moods and words. Negative energy spreads like a disease, positive energy is the cure.

So often we can’t find this cure on our own. We try in our own might to reverse a negative cycle that has been in place for years. We all ultimately want to be happy and experience joy, but we get frustrated by the slow success and find ourselves back in the same patterns as though we’re running on a hamster wheel… expending a lot of energy and yet getting nowhere. We are so good at seeking when we need something. We seek doctors when we’re physically sick. We seek entertainment when we’re bored. We seek rest when we’re tired. We seek food when we’re hungry. We seek a friendly face when we’re lonely. We seek the manufacturer when we need to fix a product we buy. Why is it that we don’t seek our own manufacturer when we’re broken? Why is it that so many don’t seek the creator of the world when their lost?

I truly believe with everything I am that if we all sought our creator when we realized we were malfunctioning; the world would be a beautiful place. The world could in fact become heaven on Earth. I urge you… seek to know your creator and ask for help. You truly will never regret it!


Share my work with anyone you feel may be served by it!

Jacqueline Collet is a spiritual entrepreneur & coach who thrives on helping others to lead more fulfilling lives by cultivating healing from the inside out. She has spent a lifetime educating herself in the psychology, spiritual, and personal growth spaces and is now spending her time helping others to thrive by sharing wisdom and paying it forward. As Maya Angelou states, “When you get, give! When you learn, teach!”

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