New Friends, Prayers Answered

Tonight, I went to a birthday party for a girl at my daughter’s school. I have to admit I was feeling a little stressed out with the thought of going. I’d ordered her gift on Amazon and it didn’t come in on time. Delivery stated that it would be in at any point through 9pm tonight, but I was hoping it would arrive in time for the party. I don’t enjoy shopping around the holidays, so I try to stay away from the stores at this time of the year. I picked my daughter up after work to rush to Walmart and pick up a last minute gift for the party at 6pm. “Who has a birthday party at 6pm on a Friday for a bunch of 6-year olds?” kept running through my head. Long story short, I didn’t really feel like going.

I picked up my daughter from the after school program at 4:45pm and her pants were filthy and I think that amped-up my stress level because I honestly care about how she shows up in the world. I want her to look like she is cared for. I want people to know I am a good mom. Seeing her messy right before we must go to a party triggers my anxiety. I bought her new pants at Walmart and had her change into them in the car so I wouldn’t need to bring her to the party dirty. It makes me question what I’m teaching her in these moments sometimes and I know I have room for growth in this area.

Sometimes (ok most of the time) the biggest blessings show up when we aren’t expecting them. As soon as I walked into Fun City, my daughter ran over to another little girl from her school. I introduced myself to her mom and it was almost immediate that we became best friends. As we talked more and more, I’d realized we had so much in common. We both are mothers of only children. We both are introverted empaths. We both enjoy psychology, spirituality and anything that develops one into a higher version of themselves. Her daughter’s birthday is also in March, only a week and a half after my daughters. It was such an easy and flowing conversation and I’m sure they’ll be more play dates and maybe some adult dates in our future.

It was recently that I’d said to my partner while lying in bed, “I feel like I need a best friend. I have you, but I feel like I need a best girlfriend. I don’t feel like I have that.” God is so quick and unbelievable. I may be jumping five steps ahead, but I see God placing people in my life these days who are aligned more deeply with who I am now. There is the mom at my daughter’s dance class who I hit it off well with, my new yoga buddy, reconnecting for dinner tomorrow with friends from junior high/high school and now this beautiful person who appeared tonight. I’m feeling really grateful especially since I felt like it had been a little bit of time since I’d last heard from God and tonight prayers are being answered once again… even though I didn’t intentionally put them out there as a prayer.

Everything is a prayer. Every word we speak and every action we take is telling God exactly what we want in our life. Part of the conversation I had tonight consisted of my new friend telling me that she felt like she didn’t know how to pray. I wish I had thought to say this in that moment, but here it is now. Everything is a prayer. Every area that we bring our attention to, especially those we apply action toward… are our call to the universe. I wrote about this some time ago, but “When I move, you move…. Just like that.” When I speak words of desire, need, longing or apply actions to move along in my life, God hears and responds. It’s great when you know you’re heard and feel the love of the universe through occurrences in your life.

What have you received from the universe lately that lets you know you are heard? Think deeply, I’m sure there are some things there. Are you in the space of gratitude to see them and appreciate them?

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