Is this it?

Keeping my eye on the clock
1 more hour, 30 more minutes
How much longer do I have to be in this

How much more of my life will I waste
Doing something that doesn’t
Show my true face

Realizing I’ve been selling my soul
Existing not living is taking it’s toll
All for the money, but not satisfaction
It’s finally time I start taking action

Now that I know what I know
I cannot pretend
It’s my duty to grow and honor my soul
Embracing everything I am created to be
Made to relate, embrace destiny

Not really knowing where all this may lead
Stepping out on faith, just planting a seed
Living for now, not for the later
Who am I to wait? I’m not a waiter.

Rather take a chance now than risk defeat
All we have is this moment to get on our feet
To take all the steps we want to take
To shape the world that we want to make

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