Humility is Misunderstood

I know there are many followers of Abraham-Hicks who may follow my work as well, but this morning on “Abraham-Hicks: The Original Group” on Facebook a quote was posted that read:

“When you humble yourself you diminish the connection with the resources with Source… and it is not that far from a vibration of victimhood, really.”

– Abraham Hicks

As I read it, I felt my spirit cringe within me. I absolutely disagree with this statement. After doing some work with pride last year, I view humility very differently than is portrayed in this quote. Humility is actually just an admittance that you don’t know it all and can’t be it all. It is actually a very comforting concept because instead of believing that you have to be “God” or play “God” in this life, you focus your energy on only who you are and what you can offer. It helps you to bring your focus to what you are good at and enjoy, which helps you to cultivate a life that you love.

Humility is not asking you to be less than who you were created to be to make others feel better about themselves. It is not asking you to stay in a victim mentality or play small. It is simply asking you to accept yourself for who you are and not think yourself greater than what you are. You are not in control of it all. You were never meant to be and that is not what is asked of you by the universe. Though you are not “God” you are enough!

The opposite of humility is pride. Pride is the feeling of having to prove you deserve “PRove I DEserve” and goes against everything that spiritual law is about. God says, “You are worthy and deserve all good because I am perfect and I created you perfect already… you do not have flaws, you have defining characteristics that I put in you on purpose. You are my art.” We suffer when we tear ourselves apart because we believe we should be anything but what we already are. When we learn to humble ourselves, we start to see the beauty in who we are and that beauty then shines through in everything we do. Mastering humility and acceptance is actually key to embracing our authentic self… the self we truly are, not the one we believe we “should” be.

Acceptance is a key spiritual concept. It’s sometimes called surrender, but really, it’s all just acceptance of what is. Surrender your need to be something other, to make other people something other, to control situations and you have bliss. Gratitude and surrender go hand in hand. Gratitude is an act of surrendering our idea of what “should be” and is practicing the ability to find the greatness in what is. Any time we believe that our idea of what needs to happen is paramount, we are in essence saying that we are greater than God. When we accept God’s design and God’s plan exactly as it is, we honor our part in the design and pay homage to the creator.

As with all spiritual “laws” including the 10 commandments, yamas, niyamas, etc. the point is to bring you more joy and more love, not to restrict you and box you in. By following them, you find more freedom and beauty in your life, not less. It’s amazing how often people get this twisted and I hear the statement, “I hate religion. It’s a mechanism used to control the masses.” 99% of the time, these same people have not read the ancient texts that religion is based off of and therefore have not understood the beauty of the life lessons and wisdom found within. Trust me. I know having lived both ways, I much prefer life following spiritual law because it was only in my study of these guide books and the application thereof that I’ve truly begun to live life as it was meant to be, beautiful, flowing, abundant, joyful, and full of love and vitality.

Everyone must choose their own path. Love requires freedom and God gives us the freedom to choose. I’ve chosen God’s law and this choice has worked out well for me! I own who I am and know God’s got the rest.

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