When I first started going to church in December, my pastor always made comments about a war happening between God and Satan and admittedly at first, I was a bit dim to what he was saying. I had just recently been awakened to the fact that I was “sick” and needed healing. I use the term “sick” to mean, someone who has not yet awoken to the fact that they are living in a way that was never intended for them. I use the term “sick” to identify someone who doesn’t yet know that they are sleepwalking through life without any real path or direction. I use the term “sick” to identify people who are still caught up in their own selfishness and don’t yet realize that every action and every word has a large impact on those around them and the world at large. I use the term “sick” to identify those that are numbing themselves to life through the use of substances, people, electronics, food, etc. I use the term “sick” to identify those that have created their own living hell and haven’t fully admitted that their current life situation is a creation of their own making. I use the term “sick” to describe anyone living below their fully inspired potential. I use the term “sick” to describe anyone who is not actively embracing each moment fully. I use the term “sick” to describe anyone who is living in mediocrity and complacency, forgetting half of themselves.  I believe that everyone is sick in some way until something shakes them into the realization of their emptiness or dysfunction.

A year later, I am armed for battle actively seeing when I am “under attack.” What does it mean to be under attack? Sometimes it means self-defeating thought systems cropping up… the “I can’ts” Sometimes it means, old belief systems that are no longer serving you running the show. For example, I’ve been working through pride lately and so I am hyper aware right now of situations where my tendency to act out of pride takes over. This morning, for instance, a colleague of mine sent me a text message on my day off about one of my clients blowing up about something. My initial tendency was to respond in a way that would have been out of the desire to “prove myself” or in other words, as mentioned in another post… “PRove I DEserve.” My initial tendency was to get mad and irritated that I can’t take a day off without someone needing me for something. However, in that moment, I realized I was “under attack” and instead chose to maintain my boundaries with regard to not working on my days off. I chose to hit the mute button on the text and not respond and contribute negatively operating under the realization that I do not have to constantly prove my worth or prove I did the right thing. Sometimes silence is golden.

Having spent time in church and therapy, I’m actively watching my actions and where they stem from in moments where I am prone to start playing on the “wrong team.” In moments where I feel my anger rising, or moments where I am feeling a bit off, I tune in and choose to fight on the “good team.” I have been actively practicing my freedom of choice and making the choice to not to react immediately and allow myself to be swallowed up by the way of the world. I’ve been practicing my awareness and working each day to act with loving intent in all that happens. Some days I succeed, while other days I don’t. A year into this practice, I see a marked difference. Prior to my awakening, I did not have any witnessing presence within me, or awareness. I was not a self-aware person. I would lose my temper and then blame something or someone for setting me off. I would act out of self-interest and not think about the consequences. I was very “worldly” in my ways.

Lately, I’ve truly gained some insight into what Jesus meant when he said,
I realize that I am slowly learning how to “overcome the world.” I realize that the more I practice awareness and active choice to play on the side of love, the less impacted I am by the outside world. The more I practice and cultivate my awareness, the less likely I am to make choices that hurt myself or anyone else. The more I trust in a higher power to help me along the path, the less stressed, worried, and fearful I am. Each time that I catch myself in the battle is a small victory. Each time I see that I am “being attacked,” even if not immediately, is a win as far as I’m concerned. Each time, I choose love, I can celebrate knowing that I am closer and closer to having freedom from the world’s negativity bias. The odds of escape are not in our favor, though
The world is set up in a way that thrives on and breeds reactivity. It’s structured with lawyers, that often contribute to the blame game. It’s structured on the “eye for an eye” concept. It’s structured with media that works hard to make you believe that you are less and need some product of theirs to be whole. It’s structured on social media that makes you believe that you aren’t valued unless you’re getting “likes.” It’s structured on the belief that you are small and that you can’t possibly make a difference or have a positive impact in the world. It’s structured to make you mindlessly consume television, movies, news, etc. that are filled with messages that lead you to doubt, fear, uncertainty, and thwarted views of reality. It’s structured in a way that you become numb to what is important, that you lose yourself, that you blend in mindlessly. It’s structured in a way that nurtures the faulty belief system that money buys happiness. It’s easy to mindlessly be consumed by it all and operate on auto-pilot.

It’s not easy to wake up and be accountable for your actions and your circumstances, which is why there aren’t many fully enlightened or extraordinary beings roaming about on this Earth. The path of least resistance is to not resist this world and many are taking that path. Nobody who was truly great ever chose the path of least resistance. Jesus, definitely not the path of least resistance. Mahatma Gandi, definitely not the path of least resistance. Martin Luther King, again, not the path of least resistance. Nelson Mandela, once again… Abraham Lincoln… nope. I could go on and on, but most of them were on a different level than most of us. Most do not take “the road less traveled by” as Robert Frost illustrates so nicely in his poetry. My goal is that through my writing, I inspire you to reflect on your own life and decide on the road that you will take.  Now that I am beginning to gain clarity around how to “Enter through the narrow gate” I want to lead you through it with me.

Join me on this journey, become a work in progress and work for progress of our society and the world at large. 

Do you believe it’s possible to win the war in your mind? Why? Why not? What are you currently battling? Offer your suggestions and tips for overcoming in the comments section below.