Over the weekend, I was driving around and had the random thought that I hadn’t yet purchased the trash sticks I had thought of buying months ago. My 7 year old daughter and I often spend time walking around our neighborhood when the weather allows and we often also spend some time commenting on how irresponsible some people are with regard to putting their trash where it belongs. Over the Summer, I’d had the idea to do something about it, but upon looking at the sticks on Amazon, the demon in me started ranting, “Why should you invest your hard earned money and time into picking up other people’s trash when you live responsibly?” I moved the sticks into the “save for later” area of my cart and buried the original idea I’d had.
Lately, I’ve been thinking about social responsibility and have been really hearing the words, “If not you, then who?” screaming loudly in my head. In a conversation with my fiancé, I went on a rant about how I am so tired about people constantly ranting and raving about our current political system, yet most who are running their mouths are not doing much in the way of changing it. Are they donating? Are they getting involved in campaigns? Are they reaching out to their local government? Are they effectively and efficiently putting their ideas into the hands of the people who have the ability to change things? Are they attempting to raise awareness in a productive manner? Are they volunteering or securing jobs in the places/systems that they wish would change for the better? Most often, the answer is no, but they do intend to vote which is a first step. However, I wonder if votes into a broken system with the motto of “richest campaign wins the race” is really doing much of anything (I digress, getting off topic and this is another topic for another day).
As humans, I think we like to hear ourselves talk. We like to sound good without having to do much of anything. On this journey to living a more authentic existence, I’ve been working on aligning my thoughts, words, and actions. For me, this means, if I care enough to chatter on and on about something, then I should care enough about taking action. The action part is the hard part. I think it’s the road less traveled in Robert Frost’s famous poem:
By Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood,
and I— I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
It is so easy for our thoughts to hold us captive and keep us from taking inspired action that could really make a difference in this world of ours. We make excuses as I did at the start of the Summer when I had the original idea and then chose wrongly to move the tools I needed into the “save for later” category and moved on. I’m not ranting here as some self-proclaimed “perfect” being who gets it right, but more as someone who is guilty of getting it wrong and now reflecting on that decision and trying to rectify it by choosing again… as someone who is perpetually working for progress internally and externally. I must become the embodiment of what I wish to see more of in the world.
This weekend I had the idea, while driving of course (as most often my inspiration comes while on the road for some reason), that maybe by purchasing those tools, traipsing around my neighborhood and picking up trash I could inspire others to care. That maybe, someone else would see me and think, “Geesh… I walk a lot anyway, why not contribute something and give back while I’m out here enjoying the fresh air?” Or maybe, they aren’t inspired to the same thing, but something different that strikes them as a result of my actions.
One person can never change everything, but they can take action on those things that call to them even if those things don’t seem like a “big deal.” I used to use that as another excuse, “Really, there is so much to be done, what good is my small little dent going to make?” I used to write only for myself because I didn’t see how my words could potentially impact others, yet as I’ve begun sharing more of myself through this site, something beautiful has happened. I’ve connected with people who I’d lost touch with that have taken time to tell me that they’ve been inspired by something I’d shared. When this happens, I’m overjoyed because I realize that the mission that was placed in my heart is starting to catch fire and is doing exactly what was intended. What you have to offer and contribute is enough and what little you offer can help another catch spark and move into actions of their own to bring about positive change for the good of all.
I don’t think we’re called to change the whole world, but to contribute to it and give back in an act of reciprocity. For instance, my desire to clean the environment I live in comes from a deep place of gratitude. I appreciate all that nature does to provide for me and sustain life… the positioning of the planet, the rain that nourishes all of the life, the plants that grow from just a tiny seed for the sole purpose of nourishing others, the trees that provide much needed shade on hot days and clean the air so that we can continue to live here, etc. I recognize that I am not above it, but part of it. When I look around and I see everything natural sharing the purpose of giving back into the system that surrounds it, I realize that is my purpose also. That is your purpose too…. It’s our shared purpose.
After this past weekend and the loud thundering thought of having failed, I had another reminder that went off for me this week. I’d read an article about the impact that coronavirus is having on plastic pollution in our oceans. I knew, the minute masks were required, and people went haywire with more consumption of disposable products that this was bound to contribute to an already large problem. When the Universe gives me several nudges about the same thing, I try to listen. I’ve remedied my earlier failure and have purchased my trash sticks on Amazon. I purchased grabber sticks and a needle stick. Now to get out and start using them on my adventures .

We can’t keep sitting around hoping someone else does something about the mess we’re living in. If you feel pained by something you see, please take the necessary steps to move toward action and act. Pain is a call to action. What is it that you feel pained by as you look around this world? What is one small step you can take to help? What is holding you back from taking that step?
I’d love to help you listen more deeply to your pain and assist you with removing the roadblocks that are preventing you from taking action. I offer personal coaching and yoga services.