Courage… it’s an odd thing. So often we think of courage as some sort of “hero” quality, and it is. However, we discount the “hero” that lives within us that enables us to step up to the plate in small acts of bravery every day. For instance, today I celebrate my bravery of this week and it only entailed sending a message to someone. However, for me it was an act that required me to step outside of my comfort zone and move beyond my fear, which brings me to the definition of courage:

For some of us, getting out of bed is an act of courage because we fear what lies in the day ahead. For others, speaking to someone about the way they feel is an act of courage. You may need courage to go into a social setting because you are introverted. It takes courage to go to the doctor and face what has been ailing you. It takes courage to raise a child to adulthood. It takes courage to admit a wrong and apologize. It takes courage to be in relationship. It takes courage to give birth. It takes courage to change jobs. It takes courage to move to a new location. It takes courage to change direction and try something new. It takes courage to admit what has hurt you in your life and step up to the plate to do your inner work. There are countless examples of courage that go overlooked daily, yet just because they are often ignored, does not mean they are not there.
We are powerful, only we’ve chosen to forget and ignore all the courage it takes to live from day to day and have embraced fear. Instead of celebrating our courage to step up to the plate, most of us disregard our acts of bravery as “no big deal.” Why is this? It is so easy for us to see all our shortcomings, but to look at ourselves and see the strength we have often feels like climbing Everest. This world breeds a negativity bias. The messaging is everywhere, but we can overcome the world, just as Jesus did:
Its in our DNA. We are wired to have courage. As children, we were fearless. How many of you remember climbing to the top of the monkey bars or hanging upside down from them? How many of you remember jumping into the deep end of the pool for the first time after just learning how to swim? How many of you remember the first time you rode a bike without training wheels? If none of these resonate… you’re walking, right? How much courage do you think it took to stand up time and time again after falling? Yet today, many of us hit adversity and crumble. We’ve simply forgotten how much courage we were created with.
My point is that courage is not some exclusive or elusive trait that some possess while others do not. Courage is an inborn trait that we all have been gifted, yet some of us have forgotten or just decide to ignore it while others celebrate and unwrap the gift that it is. Courage is like a muscle, the more we choose to use and celebrate it, the more it grows. However, like a muscle, if not used it tends to atrophy. This is demonstrated in the parable of the three servants in Matthew 25:14-30.