A Piece of Peace

As I was editing the site, an idea struck me that I just had to write about. Peace comes when we accept we are just a piece. How simple, yet profound is that idea? When we treat ourselves as though we should be doing everything that everyone else is doing, we suffer. When we treat ourselves as though we should be running the world, we suffer. When we treat ourselves as though we should be all knowing and all powerful, we suffer. Suffering is born of the idea that we are God and can be everywhere, and do everything, all at one time. When we finally humble ourselves enough to understand that we were not meant to do it all, be it all, have it all, and start enjoying who we are, where we are, what we have, our suffering comes to an end.

Where do we get the idea that we must be more than what we were created to be? Why do we often look over at what someone else is doing and wish we were doing what they are? How come it takes constant remembering to simply be content in one’s own skin? Then, just when you feel you’ve found contentment, something shifts, and you find yourself having to do the inner work to get back to remembering all over again? I feel that I constantly must remember that I am just one member of this planet existing along an unimaginable # of other living beings. Inevitably, I always find that these insights last for a time and then it’s as though I’ve fallen back asleep, which is why I capture them in writing when they strike.

As I write the words on the page, I’m hoping to maintain a glimmer of the clarity that I’ve been gifted with so that when the darker days strike, I can revert to this place and remember what’s true, align with the beauty instead of the beast. Those days, when I’m bemoaning my life and feeling like I’m just not far enough along or when I’m doubting whether I’m a good enough parent, partner, worker, (insert numerous other roles here), I can come here and be filled up once again by what I know to be true. Placing these words on paper serve me in the same way that I hope they are serving you.

Unexpectedly, revelations hit, a divine nugget of wisdom that somehow makes it’s way from God into my brain. Thoughts that appear from seemingly nowhere and then must come through me… what a blessing and an honor! Creativity is nothing more than alignment with something greater than yourself who whispers into your ear the idea for what needs to be birthed into this world. Whether we listen to the whisper or deny it makes all the difference in our own wellbeing. We are all instruments in the orchestra of life that the universe is playing. One person cannot play all instruments at the same time. We must perfect our own sound, play our own instrument/role well and allow the music to come through as best as we are able. Again, you are not the entire orchestra and you certainly are not the conductor.  

When you fully accept this idea, you can be at peace because you know that the weight of the world is not all on your shoulders. You can mind your business knowing that it is not your job to orchestrate what anyone else is doing. You can be free in using the talents that you were given to bring into this world only what you were meant to… nothing more, nothing less. I have a photo in my bedroom each morning that reads, “Today, you are exactly where you are supposed to be. What happens next is up to you.” It’s funny how sometimes we are surrounded by messages that lead the way, yet we pay so little attention to them most days. I’m convinced that we are always being led by signs that surround us, but it isn’t until we can clear our vision that we begin to take notice of them.

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