“The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.”
– Mark Twain

I am a lover of writing, psychology, philosophy, ancient spiritual texts, design, and yoga. It has taken me some years, many lessons, and much pain to get here, but I’m finally in a place where I know what my purpose is:

My purpose is to guide you in the discovery and cultivation of your highest self through yoga, spiritual practice, personal coaching, and sharing of my life experience. When you arrive at the point where you are clear on your mission, I can then help you share your story with those who can benefit from your talents utilizing my highly detailed nature and design aptitude.

“When you get, give. When you learn, teach.”
– Maya Angelou


My life experience, spiritual practices, and highly sensitive nature are what I draw from to assist you on your path. Everything in the physical manifests first in the mental/spiritual realm. I am a strong believer that we sometimes need to ride on the belief of others until we can cultivate it for ourselves. Allow me to support you in the sacred path of self-discovery so that you may rise to what it is your heart is calling you to and nurture joy within your life. Let me believe in you when you are finding it hard to do so yourself.
  • $70.00 / 1 hour confidential session

“Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.”
– Bhagavad Gita


I was raised Catholic, attend a Christian church, and have practiced yoga for several years, with a focus in the ancient philosophy and inner/mental practice of yoga. After having read the Bible from start to finish and having studied Eastern belief systems as well, I believe truth can be found in all ancient “religions” or thought systems and that they are more alike than different. While I believe in the mind/body connection, the physical fitness/anatomical focus that Westerner’s tend to view as primary is secondary from my perspective.  I am a dedicated yoga practitioner registered with the Yoga Alliance. Allow me the privilege of guiding you on what I believe is the most important journey you’ll ever take… through your body and  into yourself.

  • $70.00 / 1 hour individual private session

“Sharing of yourself is a gift of love, an honoring of creation.”
– Jacqueline Collet


In order to serve the world, the world needs to be able to see you. I have many years of experience in system testing and implementation, which has led me to find my passion in web design. I believe that your presence online is an extension of you and it is important that this presence be just as unique as you are. Your online presence should tell your sacred story and highlight the beauty of your gifts to the world. I’ve designed the pages you are currently viewing and continue to manage this space. If you like what you see, let’s review how I can bring your story to others. The world is waiting for you!

  • Pricing to be reviewed as project scope is defined. 

“Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.”
– Andy Warhol


My first love is writing. I’ve always been in awe of the way that authors are immortalized through their words. The fact that I can read ideas that were documented thousands of years ago never ceases to amaze me. This is one of the reasons why I have made it one of my goals to read through the well-known sacred texts in this lifetime. If they thought it important, and it has stood the test of thousands of years, it deserves my attention. I feel it is a service of love to allow another a front row seat into your mind where they can draw from your intelligence, lessons, and experience. Do you have a project that requires just the right words and a personal touch? Send me the details and we’ll arrange a time to discuss.

  • Pricing to be reviewed as project scope is defined. 
Choosing to work with me in any capacity will be a vulnerable and confidential process. I want to understand where you’ve been, where you are, and where you seek to go. I want to get to the heart of why you do what you do, as well as who you seek to serve.