Words for my Daughter

Sometimes I look at you and I am overwhelmed with emotion.
My eyes well up with tears and overflow like the ocean.
The urge to protect you is so strong…
praying that you always know you belong.
When life becomes a raging storm,
I hope you have the courage to go against the norm.
I hope you fight like hell to stay afloat…
to uplift when you feel you’re in a sinking boat.
To throw the life vest to others when they need it most.
Provide comfort when you see someone losing hope.
Be everything you were created for…
and know that I could never ask for more.
As long as you always try to shine your light…
stay away from the darkness when it starts becoming night.
See the good as opposed to the bad,
look for the happy when you’re feeling sad.
It’s OK to visit the dark but don’t stay too long…
for the negativity will start to grow strong.
You are what you choose to think, feel, and believe.
So don’t fail to see light in the dark and be deceived.
No matter how tough you feel it might be,
I’ll lend you my eyes so you see what I see.
My beautiful girl with a more beautiful soul.
A spirit that I am amazingly blessed to know.
Amazing is what I feel that you are,
created to be the most luminous star,
to bring the light into the night…
always remember it will be alright.
Life has a funny way of turning around…
when your ship is sinking and you feel like you’ll drown.
Look for me, hear these words,
light is there to be found.

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