I’m not transgender, but I can relate
I know how it feels to carry a weight
Out of alignment, and feeling the hate
Questioning my sanity, is it me or the world?
Even if it isn’t a matter of being boy or girl…
I can only imagine the courage it takes
My burden seems light when I consider the stakes
Of continuing in a body, that seems a mistake
What happened to empathy and basic compassion
When is it that hate became “in fashion”?
Legislators attempting to define what is right
Can’t define what is out of their sight
Can’t they see we are all human Whether boy/girl, old/young, black or white
It’s a sad state of affairs when the law places care
On how someone feels in their body that’s bare
Instead of working to understand, becoming aware
Relating and seeing themselves in the glare
What they see in transgender, they deny it is there
Feeling one way, and being another, it isn’t so rare…