Feeling like I’m falling short
When I’m trying to stand tall
The higher I reach, the smaller I seem
Not significant at all
Chasing impossible standards
Always not enough, not enough, not enough
Looking to you to raise me up
Calling on the most high
Seeking the light inside
Waiting, praying, waiting
Putting the time aside
Expecting some big voice
To thunder down from the sky
But you are more subtle
Always giving us the choice
To see the signs you give us
To hear your gentle whisper
To feel your warm presence
You want us to surrender
To follow your quiet lead
You don’t give much information
But you want us to succeed
One step at a time
You want to hold my hand
Each step of the way
But I get impatient and demand
To know what’s after today
I know you know what’s best
I need to walk by faith
You offer me needed rest
When my head feels a mess
The ability to lose control
I am really tempted by
It’s not currently my nature
To sit on the sidelines
So used to running ragged
So used to being chained
So used to self-reliance
Trying to leave behind this pain
To live freer, lighter, let you carry me
Close my eyes, sit back, relax
So I can finally be