Is it me who is crazy?
On the daily these people insist on making a mess
Communication fails to flow causing distress
Making things difficult, this place is a cult
Of people who think they know
But have no idea how to grow
Failing to put procedures in place
Many a client they don’t fail to disgrace
Internal warfare, it’s me against you
Blame game surmounts with too much to do
Everyone anxiously defending themselves
Worried their job will be taken by elves
Who work magic in ways that they can’t
Trying their best, but uncoordinated they dance
Jumping from fire to fire they go
Ripping off clients with lackluster services though
These clients keep paying, so maybe I’m wrong
Ethical, logical thinking, may just be my song
Dancing to the wrong rhythm in this world
I don’t belong, because I just can’t accept when it’s wrong
Looking to organize the chaos, I can’t take the dysfunction
Feeling I’m going insane, while they’re out at a luncheon
Is it me who is crazy?