Fulfill My Dharma

I quit drinking… or so I had thought 
Being home with my family lately has me caught 
Up in temptation I need an escape. 
This part of me wants to get twisted  
How much can I take? 
Used sex like vacation once upon a time 
Right about now I can understand why 
Being stuck with my child it has me upset 
Ungrateful, a brat, and I just do not get 
How many times she has to hear “no”  
In order to respond without screaming and yelling… a fit she does throw. 
A spoiled American… entitled asshole 
Is who she is whenever I say “No” 
When you have it all, you can’t see clearly 
Everything is about me, me, me, me 

I don’t want to live my life in the toxicity
of a little child who takes advantage and won’t ever be happy 
Unless of course, she is getting what she desires 
Only then she’s someone I can admire 
Feed the demon and all is well 
The minute you stop then it’s proverbial hell 
Breaking loose on the household and everything around 
Makes me want to run straight out of town 
I hear the demon in my mind yell “You don’t need this.. get out, have a drink, you are stressed, just sleep around. 
Do something selfish for you and just you. 
Blow off some steam, just release… but it’s the wrong thing to do. 
Fighting to stay committed to this child and partner 
Doing what I can to fulfill my dharma.

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