Read an article today that made me disgraced
To be a part of this thing called the human race
The headline… in bold… it brazenly read
“I went to a sex party and it was not what I expected”
It had a picture of a girl who looked quite young
And into my head, sadness quickly sprung
Growing up in the current generation
Is frighteningly built on instant gratification
I don’t want to know you deeply and fully
I’ll take care of your body, your soul I will bully
But you don’t notice, you’re ready and willing
Nieve to the fact, it’s your soul that your killing
Cutting your ability for true intimacy
Playing with fire when you aren’t truly ready
Neglecting the connection you are seeking to find
Freeing your mind with some bump and grind
Wanting to feel wanted, desired, and sexy
It’s like we’re suffering from narcolepsy
When is it that we will wake up and see
How deep and how spiritual sex was meant to be
Treating our bodies like a commodity
Why grow deeply with one?
So many fish in the sea… Forget about monogamy
Until one day you meet the one and see what you’ve done
Unable to enjoy it because you had too much “fun”
He or she wants to connect with your soul, your body, and mind during sex
And you find that you can’t and it leaves you perplexed
Until you awaken to realize you cheapened the connection
That you were meant to experience on a whole other dimension