Play Tag With Darkness

I’ve just gotten home from church and it’s really trippy how my writings wind up coming out of my pastor’s mouth. There are plenty of topics to choose from in the Bible and yet my pastor and I seem to be riding the same wavelength for awhile now. It seems that I have an inspired thought and write as a result of the thought while he is planning the sermon around the same inspired thought. I’m taking this as a sign that my relationship with the divine must be strong since there is no other real explanation for it. Could it be that we are both being vessels for the same message at the same time and then allowing those messages to come through in our own personal ways?

It’s a blessing, if so, because I’ve wanted to be used for God’s purposes since I’ve been awakened. After being awakened or as the Christian church likes to say, “saved” I’ve been seeing my life very differently. As far as I see it now, the purpose of my life is to take what I’ve learned and “save” others. The purpose of my life is to resurrect others from their own personal pits of despair by shedding light into areas that I’ve been blessed to have gained some insight into. We have a world that has many examples of darkness… poverty, murder, cheating, stealing, lack of regard for one’s dignity, materialism, selfishness, an education system that cultivates “sameness,” a judicial system that thinks shoving the “problems” into a cell is the right approach, corporations that still are not taking appropriate measures to preserve the cleanliness of our planet, etc. We have people that have been affected by various pieces of this darkness and as a result can positively impact others in that area if they would only believe that they had the power to.

Many people have simply let the area of darkness that has touched them overtake them and turn them dark as well. We have people who simply cannot forgive the wrongs done to them. We have people who would rather sit in despair because of “the way life has treated them” rather than use the darkness to fuel positive change in their own life and the lives of others. Often the injustices we face are the tap on the shoulder from the universe to play tag… the darkness taps you to allow you to see that there is a problem and asks you to “play” similarly to the game of tag we are all familiar with from our own childhood. The problem is, many of us choose not to play and sit out after being tagged. Some of us think we’re playing “freeze tag” rather than actual tag. If only we would play and chase back the darkness that has threatened our lives, the positive progress that could be made.

For example, you fell prey to drugs and alcohol. The darkness tagged you in this way. You can choose to freeze and cower in this as a victim of this illness or you can choose to play tag and chase it back. You can choose to be sober, get clean, and use your life as a torch of light for others who are being threatened by the same problems you faced. We assign our lives meaning when we do this. We make meaning out of the mess. We take what was meant to break us and allow it to build us up. There is no problem that cannot be solved, no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

For example, you’ve been through divorce and have learned a lot through that experience… things you wish you would have done differently, things you wish you would have known prior to getting married, and things you wish you would have known about the process of divorce. You can use this experience to help others who are going through divorce or even better as a way to help others preserve their marriage. You know from experience what failed to work for you so in passing this information along to others, you fight back the demon of divorce from attacking other marriages. You know the blind spots you had because you’ve been through it.

It’s like when you were a child in school and the teacher would always say, “There’s no such thing as a dumb question… what’s dumb is to not ask the question because if you are asking, I bet you there are several others who have the same question.” We are all going through life and many of us have the same questions. If you have the answers as a result of going through your own version of darkness, you owe it to the world to share them in your own personal way using the skills and talents that you have. If enough of us take the darkness that we’ve had the opportunity to learn from and light the world with our lessons, there will be no loopholes for the darkness to enter.

I’d love for this site to turn into the type of site that gives others sight. I’d love for others to contribute their own personal learnings and stories so that it evolves into a knowledge base for life experience. I’d love for those who visit to feel the sense of oneness that is shared among all who are living. It is our shared experience of life that binds us. We’re all rowing in the same stream.

The Bible and many other spiritual teachings teach that “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” I can honestly say it is true. When we take our life experience and we give it away, that is when we start to find our meaning and purpose in this world. That is where we find our value and when we find our value, we become invincible.

How are using the darkness that has touched you? Are you allowing it to become you or are you tagging it back… pushing through it and allowing it to be a token of love that you carry on to others?

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