

Life… who dictates whether it is to be? I am torn this evening as I consider the recent bills passed in Alabama and Missouri. I’ve seen many of the posts about this topic on social media and find myself feeling a little divided because of my spirituality. I know that the church wholeheartedly agrees with

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Courage… it’s an odd thing. So often we think of courage as some sort of “hero” quality, and it is. However, we discount the “hero” that lives within us that enables us to step up to the plate in small acts of bravery every day. For instance, today I celebrate my bravery of this week

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Friend or Foe

Yoga is really interesting because some days you have a really steady and strong practice where you walk away feeling like you are on top of the world. Other days, you are off balance and your negative self-talk creeps in. Both days are progress, though the off-balance days can feel off-putting, sometimes I feel there

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Level Up

Sometimes I get caught up in pondering this world and how it operates. I like to think about what comes next after this life is over. I enjoy musing in my mind of the various spiritual teachings that are out there. While in the shower tonight, I was taken back to one of Jesus’ final

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“I believed in God so I spoke” 2 Corinthians 4:13 This morning I came across this beautiful verse and it comes at such a wonderful time. I was just speaking to my therapist this morning about how old mental scripts die hard and indicated that I am feeling like I’m doing a good job counteracting

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