

Play… that’s the word that came to mind the other day during my yoga asana practice. In the midst of savasana, my wandering mind suddenly started pondering how yoga invites us to play with contraction and extension, tension and relaxation, strength and flexibility, comfort and discomfort. Life also is constantly knocking at our door asking

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Road Rage

We are very interesting creatures. As I grow in my spirituality and more deeply into myself I’m coming to understand this journey more each day. Yesterday, I stumbled. I acted reactively when confronted with a frustrating situation. Traffic was at a standstill on the highway I was attempting to merge onto and this man a

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Many Faces

It’s easy to stay peaceful and calm when life is going smoothly, but the challenge is to maintain positivity when life starts to pick up the pace. When we have multiple things screaming for our attention and we start getting pulled in all directions is when we need to remember that we have trained for

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Emptiness. So often when many of us think of emptiness, it brings up feelings of despair, sadness, boredom, and frustration. I’ve been this way for a long time, frustrated by the idea of not knowing what I was meant to do with my life. I often felt as though there was something that I was

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Be a Home

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” – Albert Einstein I wrote a piece awhile back called “Trees Teach.” As I was laying in bed this morning, listening to the birds chirping outside and the sound of the breeze blowing through the leaves, the large tree outside of my window spoke

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Be Our Guest

This morning on my way to drop my daughter off at school, she requested that we listen to our “Happy Melodies” playlist on my Spotify account. It’s a bunch of silly songs that make me laugh or remind me of my happier childhood memories. These songs can brighten up even my worse day because they

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Body Exploration

This morning while eating breakfast, my 6-year-old daughter proceeded to tell me that she “accidentally touched another little girl’s vagina at school yesterday.” I stopped chewing and found myself in a bit of uneasiness. I asked in a matter-of-fact tone, “What do you mean you touched her vagina on accident?” She then told me that

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