
Self-Discipline: Pick Yourself Up

As I get older, I’m finding that self-discipline is the most important trait that any of us can have. Self-discipline pushes us to do the things we “don’t feel like doing” for our own benefit. It’s the parent within us or the higher self that says, “I know you don’t want to eat your dinner, but you must if you are to grow and be healthy.”

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Īśvara Praṇidhāna: Surrender

What this observance asks is for us to accept life as it is, with the understanding that God is the “ruler of the kingdom” and God’s will is perfect. It is understanding that I belong to universal energy, you belong to universal energy, all life is not our own, but gifted by the universal energy. If that energy decides to remove itself from your body, down you crumble into a heap of decomposing rubbish.

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Svādhyāya: Do You Know You?

If you do not want your desires to rule you, then you must keep watch and stay vigilant. You must stand guard over your impulses, your mind, and your desires. There are many desires that come along that will only trip you up if you aren’t careful. When we stay focused on watching our mind and can see the “sin” (misguided desires) creeping in, we can ready ourselves to stand firm so that we aren’t derailed.

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Would There Really Be Anarchy If Laws Did Not Exist?

I’ve never liked being told what to do. Perhaps that is why I have such disdain for government these days. I think I’ve always been this way, but as I live through such ineffective leadership, it’s surfacing within me more and more. After reading an article on Associated Press (Millions of kids told full return

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Trees Teach

As I’ve been embarking on this spiritual journey of mine, I’ve begun to take more notice of nature in an attempt to better understand God and his plans for us. I’ve always felt that while we humans are extremely complicated and often think ourselves “advanced,” there is a calm peace in nature that we often overlook and

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