

If we look, we can see how our actions impact not only our fellow humans, but all life forms from plants to animals. Often, we are abusing the very same resources that are meant to sustain us. When we refuse to use these resources in a responsible manner, we ultimately destroy them, and we ultimately suffer the consequences. Lack of regard for life around us is actually a form of self-hate and I wish more people lived with an understanding of this.

Interdependence Read More »

Riding the Bicycle of Parenting

It was as though the moment I had her, my life’s training wheels came off and it became “go time.” Suddenly the pressure hit and it was about more than just me. There were bigger consequences to losing my balance in life… a whole separate life depended on my ability to balance and ride smoothly. Little eyes peering out from the basket of the handlebars just watching my every move… my facial expressions… my speech… my ability to cope with each challenge life hands me.

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Sweetness in the Middle (this one is raw)

I can see how tyrants turn into tyrants. They were probably trapped in situations where nobody heard them… nobody listened… nobody respected and so they became loud… they demanded to be heard… and they took respect! The pendulum swung powerfully and quickly in the other direction and the meek became the tyrant.

Sweetness in the Middle (this one is raw) Read More »

Mad Mom

Trying and trying, but it just isn’t good enough Despite all of the sanding and attempting to smooth Inside I’m still quite rough Rough around the edges despite all of my effort To try and be a good mom Her personality annoys me It might just destroy me Sending me into a spiral of harm

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Selfish Mom

I’ve been noticing societal programming that basically says, “It’s selfish for you to do anything without your family if you have a family.” It’s as though when you have children, many people expect that you bring them on every vacation. If you are doing something fun for yourself that could potentially be fun for your

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Life… who dictates whether it is to be? I am torn this evening as I consider the recent bills passed in Alabama and Missouri. I’ve seen many of the posts about this topic on social media and find myself feeling a little divided because of my spirituality. I know that the church wholeheartedly agrees with

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