
Self-Discipline: Pick Yourself Up

As I get older, I’m finding that self-discipline is the most important trait that any of us can have. Self-discipline pushes us to do the things we “don’t feel like doing” for our own benefit. It’s the parent within us or the higher self that says, “I know you don’t want to eat your dinner, but you must if you are to grow and be healthy.”

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Stay the Course

I’m struggling to find the motivation to write at the moment. Yet, I’ve committed and so here I am attempting to follow through even though I feel somewhat uninspired. I’m hopeful that as my fingers hit the keys the divine will come through and turn this rambling into hidden treasure, but even if that doesn’t happen I will honor the promise I made to myself.

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Road Rage

We are very interesting creatures. As I grow in my spirituality and more deeply into myself I’m coming to understand this journey more each day. Yesterday, I stumbled. I acted reactively when confronted with a frustrating situation. Traffic was at a standstill on the highway I was attempting to merge onto and this man a

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Courage… it’s an odd thing. So often we think of courage as some sort of “hero” quality, and it is. However, we discount the “hero” that lives within us that enables us to step up to the plate in small acts of bravery every day. For instance, today I celebrate my bravery of this week

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“I believed in God so I spoke” 2 Corinthians 4:13 This morning I came across this beautiful verse and it comes at such a wonderful time. I was just speaking to my therapist this morning about how old mental scripts die hard and indicated that I am feeling like I’m doing a good job counteracting

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