Mad Mom

Trying and trying, but it just isn’t good enough
Despite all of the sanding and attempting to smooth
Inside I’m still quite rough
Rough around the edges despite all of my effort
To try and be a good mom
Her personality annoys me
It might just destroy me
Sending me into a spiral of harm
I have visions of beating the hell out of her
Have to run before I do
It’s too much I can’t take it
Why anyone chooses this…
Quite frankly, I don’t get the allure
Always takes it too far, pushes me close the edge
I’m losing my peace, can’t stay calm anymore
I feel like I’ve jumped off the ledge.
Spiraling down, and when I hit the ground,
I feel it might be better than here
This place I am in where nothing is sound
A world filled with beauty and fear
I don’t want to cause pain,
But this energy drain
Is causing me to lose my grip
Constantly giving me lip
She’s attached at the hip
I feel like I’m going insane
Calm down, just breathe
Focus and see, find the release
So you can break free

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