In Times of Uncertainty… Buy More? (Covid-19 Thoughts)

As I scroll down my Facebook feed this morning, there are a lot of funny memes out there concerning toilet paper, hand sanitizer, etc. I’ll admit, I laugh at many of them, but the thing that I am not laughing at and actually feel really saddened and quite frankly sickened by is the lack of consideration for our fellow humans which is on full display right now. Self-preservation seems to be running at an all time high as evidenced by the insane buying behavior. There is a demon of “me” “me” “me” running through society. It sickens me, just as the holiday of Black Friday does. The mentality of lack has got to stop because this mentality simply creates more lack. Fear that there will not be enough is what creates the situation of not enough. Get a hold of yourself people! We are all creators… whether consciously or unconsciously. What is your behavior creating for yourself and others around you?

Is your need for stability and safety in this fear-based environment causing others to go without necessities? Is your fear creating a selfish monster that causes others to suffer as a result of your greed? What are you envisioning? Energy is contagious and it’s never been clearer to me than right now. People are feeding off the fear of others and going into a buying frenzy. The consistent closures are only fueling this fear and quite frankly stopping every day life may actually decrease the immune system’s response rather than bolster it. Isolation, negative thoughts, and fear leads to depression which only serves to weaken the immune system.

There is no such thing as stability. We live in a world that is constantly changing and evolving. Nature is full of examples of death and restoration. We are not the exception, yet somehow us humans think there is always “something we can do” that will protect us from what eventually is inevitable for each of us. Meanwhile, our attempts at “doing” ends in more destruction and less good for the whole. Look around, sign onto social media, watch the news and see the energy that is flowing throughout the world right now. It isn’t pretty. It looks as though I’m watching a doomsday horror movie in my opinion.

I’m not saying that we should sit idle and do nothing, but just that we consider the wide-reaching consequences of what we do. Think about more than yourself. Yes, we should take precautions not to breathe, sneeze, cough, or otherwise contaminate each other with our germs given the circumstance. However, consider what is wise and necessary versus what is overreaction and hysteria. People fighting in supermarkets over toilet paper seems unnecessary to me. Many famous people have said that fame doesn’t change anything, but merely magnifies who you are. I feel that this is what is occurring right now as I see the ugliness of humanity magnified in the media. Fear magnifies what is already living within us. It shows us how we operate with vulnerability. It shows us the condition of our heart. It is an opportunity for self-reflection that allows us to grow into better humans if we use it as such.

This anxiety has knocked on the door of my mental space, but I refuse to let it in. What will be will be. Buying will not keep you “safe” if the situation worsens. Buying will not ease the pain of seeing someone you love ill if this illness strikes those close to you. Your toilet paper will not comfort you if someone you know is hospitalized or dies. Choose who you want to be in these times. Don’t mindlessly resort to panic because everyone else seems to be. Relax, protect your mind, and broaden your field of concern to include more than just you. Most of all, have faith that we can rise above any circumstance that may challenge our well being. Take accountability for your health. Load up on vitamin C. Exercise. Practice good hygiene and other forms of self-love, but please remember others as you practice love for yourself.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

– 1 Corinthians 13:13

I implore you to reflect on how you are handling the current state of the world. Are you tempted to catch the hoarder virus? Are you tempted to engage in extremes? Is your anxiety higher than usual? Are you feeling threatened or vulnerable? Feel it and then choose wisely.

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