Parenting Trials

I fear that I am screwing you up…
When I speak, I am met with resistance
Maybe the fear is born of love
Or maybe it’s the devil’s stubborn insistence
That I am not doing this good enough
Nobody told me parenting would be this tough
Inner battles that I go through
When trying simply to do what’s best for you
They say that your children are sent from above
To guide you and show you what it means to love
A lesson each day, but I can’t keep up
Overwhelming emotions and I feel like I am stuck
Drowning in endless questions I can’t answer
Multiplying like a relentless cancer
Maybe there isn’t a test to be passed
Just a season that came and then passed
They say children grow up all too quick 
Don’t want to wish it away, but sometimes I feel sick
Sick of the back talk and attitude
Feeling abused when you act so rude
Thoughts rush in that I know are quite cruel
Trying not to let my darker side rule
While, yes, this would be easier if you were not here
To lose you, my love, is my greatest fear
We’ll figure it out, I won’t quit on you ever
There is a reason God brought us together

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