Someone Has Already Done It

The universe is always speaking to us when we are willing to listen. As I finally grew some wings and decided to move forward with investing in this project, I began having some doubts about whether it was a good idea. I questioned whether people would actually enjoy my work or whether I was attempting to step out into something that I had no business doing. After all, there are so many talented teachers and writers out there in the spiritual field. Many of whom I’ve admired and studied for years. Why would anyone take me seriously when there are so many amazingly talented people out there?

As I drove myself to yoga, I prayed on it and asked God if I was moving in the right direction. I asked God to let me know in no uncertain terms. I especially love Friday night yoga with Joanna because it is more meditative than physical. It’s a restorative practice that really helps you tune into yourself fully and helps you to unwind from the week just in time for the weekend. At the end of her classes, she usually reads a passage from one of my favorite books, “The Book of Awakening” by Mark Nepo.

Today’s passage read,

This passage spoke to me in several ways,

    1. (1) I am the friend who has always loved reading psychology, self-help, spiritual material.
    1. (2) I have a tendency to want to remain stagnant and learn more, study more, etc. before I step out and actually do anything.
    1. (3) I’m in the stage of learning to live in my hands and have recently invested in the tools I’ll need to make this project come to fruition and have started working for progress on this project (birthing it to life).
    1. (4) The idea for this project was born of love and a desire to help others reap the benefits I’ve seen from doing my own inner work and incorporating certain practices into my own life.
    1. (5) My writing has always been my Braille of heart… my outlet for making sense of the world and allowing life to sink in more deeply.

I’m taking this is as my “Yes” from the universe because I feel that this work and my writing are my taking the step to “live in my hands.” To take what is within and express it out into the world so that others, whoever they may be, may benefit from what I have to offer. Regardless of whether others have done work of this nature before me, nobody will do it like me, and I will not do it like they have done. After all, everything that has ever existed has been built off the knowledge of others who have come before. To stay in doubtful thinking limits possibility, limits potential, limits the birth of the idea that wants to come through me.

All great spiritual teachers, for the most part, learned their lessons from life and from those who have graced the world with their presence before their arrival. If my doubts were true, entire works and industries would cease to exist because everyone would take the mindset, “Eh it’s already been done before… who is going to listen to me when others have already done this?” The torch must be carried from generation to generation and in my opinion, it is impossible to have too much love and healing in the world.

When I’d read Victor Frankyl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning,” I remember feeling the need to learn from history. I remember thinking that to allow mistreatment of any life would be to dishonor the memory of all of those who went through the horrific tragedies that have taken place. It would mean that they’d died in vein if we chose not to make good out of their misfortune. I alluded to this in my blog “Gift’s of Tragedy.” If historians had the attitude of, “Well that already happened, no use in reliving it again or telling these stories… who is going to listen?” all of the lessons would have died with those lives of individuals who were taken in the story of our tragic human condition and we would not have the opportunity to learn from the folly of humans who have gone before us.

It is critical to stop thinking that your work is not worthy of your effort because someone else has already done what you want to do. There is more than enough room for all of us to light up the world living our hearts’ desires. There is more than enough need for each of us to be able to serve. Whatever desires live in your heart, it is your obligation to the world to bring them to life. I listened to a sermon on YouTube with Myles Munroe and some others that spoke to a scene where you are on your death bed and you are surrounded by all the ideas that you let die within you. They are angry and troubled as they stand around you, asking you to answer for your lack of devotion to them. This really resonated with me and I hope as I paint this scene for you, it helps you to consider the dreams and ideas you’ve laid to rest so that you may choose to give them life before it’s too late.

There’s someone/something for everyone. My style may not resonate with you and if that is the case, I hope you find a teacher who does. I will not worry about those who may not find my work worthy of their time or praise but will focus my attention on those who are served by my sincere effort and desire to be of service. I will believe in my own worth and will trust that those who are meant to find me, will and I will trust that when they do, I’ll be able to help. There is one thing I’m laying to rest and that’s doubt because I know well enough now that,

I choose not to live a life of depression when there is so much life and love in me that wants free expression!

What dreams have you been denying or laid to rest? What types of things do you tell yourself as your reason for not attempting to give them life? How could making this dream real impact the lives of others? How could it impact your own life? Tell me all about it in the comments or contact me privately.

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