When in Tension, Use Intention

Many of you know I have a love affair with yoga. Today while practicing, what jumped out at me was intention. Every move in yoga, when practiced well, is based upon intention. It is the practice of intentionally holding poses in a certain way. It is intentionally putting yourself in uncomfortable positions to stretch the boundaries of your comfort zone. It is intentionally focusing in on your breathing and the sensations within your body

To those of you who practice yoga, the aforementioned is nothing new to you. However, what I am about to state next may be. So much of yoga applies more deeply to the way in which we live our lives. A quote appeared to me today during practice. “When in tension, use intention.”  It is what I naturally do in yoga when the pose feels difficult and resistance flares up. I use intention to focus on my breath and positive thoughts telling myself “I am safe. I can do this. I am supported.” 

Life in the real world is no different. It is in those moments of less desirable emotion that we must become intentional.  The very word intention is “in tension” urging us to utilize this practice when faced with tension in our daily lives.  It is these times where we must actively shift our focus to our breathing, to our mind sets. It is these very moments where we need to actively enter into the arena of the negativity or fear that threatens to throw us off balance. It is these moments that we must intentionally go to combat by actively refocusing on more desirable things. It is these moments where we need to be more intentional in our gratitude… thanking the universe for each blessing we have been given so as not to fall prey to the doubt that threatens to overwhelm us and pull us under.

Intentional focus can work miracles in our lives. Each moment we choose to refocus and turn away from the dark side of life is a miracle in and of itself. 

What miracles did you create today? Are you actively practicing refocusing your energy and becoming more intentional with how it is spent? We only have this moment… use it intentionally!

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