Why the Caged Bird Never Sings

We humans have a way of imprisoning what was always meant to be free. As I rested in savasana at the end of this morning’s yoga class, I tuned into the birds singing their glorious song outside. It was as though they were telling me the secret to life. Freedom is what the lyrics to their song sang. Fly unrestrained through life and lift your voice so that it is heard throughout your space within the world. Suddenly the “om” at the end of class felt so much more powerful… it is a lifting of your own unique voice into the universe. A guttural sound that rises from the depths of your core if you do not restrain it. It is allowing yourself the freedom to be heard… to allow your own unique voice to rise and resound for others to take in. The blending of the voices is heavenly and blends into this sacred sound making beautiful music just as the birds’ chirps make their music outside.

As I had this moment of awareness, I also realized how often we cage what I believe God always meant to be free. We have house pets for our own enjoyment and neediness. We get pleasure out of caring for other living beings, but I wonder if that was the way it was intended or if we are thwarting nature by “caging” and “training” God’s creatures to serve our needs.

I also started to ponder how often we cage pieces of ourselves. We hinder ourselves based on judgments of good or bad. We hinder ourselves due to fear of what could happen. We refrain for concern of what others might think. As I listen to the birds singing their very free song, I envy them in a way. What it must be like to inhabit your being fully… to sing your song without thought, fear, or concern for impact to anyone or anything else. No overthinking… no guilt… no worry… no fear… just love, music, flight, and being.

One day I pray I will get there… to be as a bird, fully at peace with everything that I am. Singing songs of joy for the pleasure of myself and those around me. Isn’t that the purpose of life anyhow? To unleash all you were blessed with into the universe and make beautiful music for the pure enjoyment and love of it all.

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