Trust in Yoga, Trust in God

Yoga is about trusting the being within you to support you through the balancing poses. The more I focus, the wobblier I am. It is when I trust my being that I succeed in balance. When I trust in God, suddenly life is balanced, and I feel freedom while exerting much less effort than I would have thought was needed to succeed. Trust and letting go seems to be paramount in enjoying a full and wonderful life. I am learning to trust more and fret less, to be easier on myself rather than push myself only to become frustrated and defeated when things don’t work out, learning to rejoice in just being…. even if nothing amazingly wonderful is happening at any given moment.

The joy exists in simply being alive. I get to look up at the sky that never ever looks exactly the same. A new painting is revealed every day, every moment. No two days ever are exactly the same. Nothing is ever the same from moment to moment. In hard times we can delight in this. In good times we can live fully and appreciate all that is knowing it will soon pass. The key is to hold on to the present while releasing the hurt and baggage and mistakes of the past, while at the same time not clinging to a vision of the future. It’s letting go of all that was and all that you hoped it would be.

The key is to let God unfold your life before you knowing that each moment has been blessed and gifted to you from the most amazing source that exists. The challenge is to accept all God gives as a gift and be grateful in it. We must trust and learn in the tough times knowing that, because of who God is, the rough seas will soon calm.

To live is to grow in love and balance. The challenge is learning to balance the love for yourself with the love of others…. I am finally starting to feel like I am beginning to find my own personal balance. THANK YOU GOD!!! 

Have you found your own personal balance? Where did you stumble? What worked? Tell me about what you did on your journey toward balance in the comments below. 

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